Syntherm 55
SYNTHERM 55 is a synthetic fluid based on polyalkyleenglycol (PAG) for heat transfer in which the nature of this product ensures the purity of the circuit. The decomposition products of 55 SYNTHERM occurring under extreme conditions are neutralized by the liquid itself. This avoids mud or gum.
To ensure good heat transfer without extreme temperatures reach into the contact zone between the heating element and the liquid, the heating surface large enough (+, - 30 kW / m²). At a temperature of eg 260 ° C the ideal temperature difference between the oil bath and the contact surface of the heater between 12 and 28 ° C. This assumes that temperature at a circulation speed of 3 m / s.
Note: SYNTHERM 55 is not compatible with mineral oil. It is recommended to empty and rinse the cranckcase.
- Anti-oxidant properties.
- Extended life compared to a mineral base.
- High thermal conductivity.
- Thermal stability.
Technical data sheet
Consult the technical data sheet for specifications and norms (PDF)
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