Safecut E 20
SAFECUT E 20 is a fine machining emulsion, it is formaldehyde free, biologically stable, odourless and very easy to use.
SAFECUT E 20 is exceptionally suitable for working with steel; but can be used very broadly for all types of metal working for both the machining steel and its alloys and for the machining of aluminum and copper alloys.
SAFECUT E 20 is characterized by:
- High cooling and lubricating power
- absence of foam
- Protection against corrosion from 4% in water
- SAFECUT E 20T does not contain chlorine, nitrites, formaldehyde or glycol.
- Excellent tool lifee and part finish
- Excellent stability
- Very good machine hygiene
- Can be used on individual items as well as on centralised installations
- Very good antifoam properties.
- Proven performance in profiling various types of steel.
Technical data sheet
Consult the technical data sheet for specifications and norms (PDF)
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