Opaljet Competition 10W60
OPALJET COMPETITION 10W60 is the first commercially available engine oil to contain nano-particles called fullerenes. These fullerenes are molecules composed entirely of carbon but which take the form of hollow spheres. Shaped like footballs they are blocking the micro cracks and asperities in metal surfaces and by doing so they bring the friction coefficient to zero. This research has been rewarded with the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Since these nano-particles are so tiny, they remain in suspension in the oil. They will neither precipitate nor be filtered out. As the fullerenes have a deep grey-purple colour then engine oil with such nano-particles is darkly coloured (almost black like carbon) OPALJET COMPETITION 10W60 gives the highest levels of performance, meeting ACEA C3/A3/B4 ACEA and API SM / CF. Formulated from 100% synthetic based stocks and carefully selected additives, OPALJET COMPETITION 10W60 possesses exceptional natural features (high shear strength, low volatility and good resistance to high temperatures). OPALJET COMPETITION 10W60 is miscible with all engine oils, both synthetic and mineral and even graphitized. However its high performance and properties can only be guaranteed if used undiluted and in all cases free of other additives.
- High detergent and dispersant properties to maintain engine cleanliness.
- A low volatility (due to its SAE 60 grade when hot), providing minimum oil consumption.
- Good thermal stability.
- OPALJET COMPETITION 10W60 meets the FERRARI, BMW, O Texte11: PEL and ALFA ROMEO requirements.
Technical data sheet
Consult the technical data sheet for specifications and norms (PDF)
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