ESCA Compressor P
Visc.: 32, 46, 68, 100
ESCA COMPR. P are a synthetic high performance compressor lubricants based on a mixture of polyalphaolefins (PAO) and utilize the latest available additive technology providing outstanding resistance to oxidation and thermal degradation required in centrifugal and oil-flooded screw compressors used in the food-, feed- and pharmaceutical industries.
ESCA COMPR. P meet the requirements of FDA 21 CFR 178.3570 and is H1-registered for processes where incidental food contact can occur.
All ESCA H1-registered products are manufactured according to ISO 21.469:2006 which supports producers’ HACCP and GMP programs. ESCA H1-lubricants do not contain ingredients of animal origin or genetically modified products and are KOSHER and HALAL certified.
- Excellent oxidation stability.
- Outstanding thermal resistance.
- Good water separation and air release.
- High wear protection.
- Extended drain intervals.
- Reduced power consumption.
- No deposit/lacquer formation.
Technical data sheet
Consult the technical data sheet for specifications and norms (PDF)
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