Prevention is better than the cure

The formation of fungi and bacteria in the emulsion bath is the worst nightmare for metal processing machines. By taking the necessary precautions with the help of Unil Lubricants, you can outsmart bacteria formation and save yourself a lot of time, money and worry.
Do you do your own testing?
Firstly, it is important to always add the right quantity (at least 5%) of metal processing fluid to the water in the emulsion bath. This gives optimum protection to parts and machine components against the formation of fungi, bacteria and/or corrosion.
You can keep your cooling lubricant in perfect condition by checking its condition every week. This only takes a minute and can be incorporated into the operator’s weekly routine. Use a refractometer to measure the coolant concentration in the machine.
If you suspect bacteria formation, you can use Unil Mikrocount. This self-testing unit immediately indicates the presence of bacteria in your bath.
Lab analysis
If you are in any doubt about the condition of your emulsion, you can also take a sample and have this analysed by the specialised lab at Unil Lubricants. Unil Lubricants has developed a special analysis program, IND4, which enables it to analyse the stability, breaking index, acidity level, corrosion value and level of contamination of your emulsion.
Send us the cleanest possible 100 ml sample from your CNC machine. Unil Lubricants can provide you with special sample packages to help you collect the best possible sample. Once the fluid has been analysed, you will immediately receive a specialised report with the diagnosis and additional recommendations for the further use of your emulsion.
• Using a volumetric metering pump means you are always certain you have the right concentration.
• Use a refractometer once a week to check the concentration of the emulsion.
• Immediately remove excess leak-off oil from the emulsion bath with the oil skimmer to prevent bacteria formation.
• Use the pH meter once a month or if in any doubt to check the acidity of the emulsion bath.
• Always use a disinfectant to keep the bath free of bacteria and/or fungi.